Research on Mars Planet, Water on Mars

Science and technology have improved very fast in the 21st century. Astronomical studies and research are going on with rapid improvements. Sending satellites to very far locations and studying the natural astral bodies are keenly observed and adapted with the latest technologies.

Scientists are eager to find aliens and planets which have the chances that provide circumstances for living beings. They are very serious about sending man-made satellites to study various astral elements like Mars. Mars mission is very special aligned with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MRO which has been programmed by NASA.

Water on Mars Research

The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera has shown dark stripes and steeps on the planet of Mars according to the reports of NASA’s recent research on Mars, delivered in 2011. These patterns were seen in many areas and expected as a matching environment for living beings and also as evidence of liquid water. The stripes that appear during summer and spring were thought to have been created by flowing liquid water on Mars.

No Water Found!

But the latest research on Mars reveals that the strips are not liquid water, but flowing sands formed by powerful breezes. The final confirmation of water on Mars research concludes that there are no chances of water existence on this planet. Survival of microbial life is not possible there because of the inappropriate environment.

The seasonal appearance of streaks is caused by the form of sand particles and dust heaped in a location. The studies finalize Mars as a dry planet and the air flows are likely to be similar to on our mother earth. The granules of sand and dust form dunes and slopes which are seen as dark streaks by the cameras. Investigations are very clear according to human brains that are matured with perfect scientific knowledge.

Environment on Mars

Current research on Mars is going on for finding the environment around Mars. A powerful robot was positioned to click photographs of sunrise, sunset, and the surface of it. It is a great achievement for scientists, they are doing research on Mars planet which will reveal so many interesting things about a great planet in the galaxy. Scientific research on mars will be probably successful and it helps in developing knowledge in the next generations.

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